We are grateful to the Carlisle Mosquito for their recent thoughtful coverage of Open Table…

Neighborhoods Helping Neighbors!
Sending a big thank you to the Bellow Farms neighborhood in Acton. Resident Michael has been organizing a multi-week food drive in the neighborhood, and this just some of what they have donated thus far.
And another big thank you to the Lindsay Pond neighborhood in Concord. Residents there collected over 70 pounds of food that Lydia and friends will be delivering to Open Table next week. They came up with the hash tag #NeighborhoodsForOpenTable, and we couldn’t be more thrilled for the support!
These donations will help fill the gaps in what we are able to procure from our normal food suppliers, and will allow us to continue to provide food to those in need.
If you and your neighbors are looking for a way to reach out to some of the record number of households who may be facing food insecurity in the coming weeks, consider organizing a food drive. Place donations on a doorstep or at a mailbox and have one household collect and deliver the goods – staying socially distant while working together. More information about food drives is available HERE.
Thank you, for helping us spread #morelovelesshunger!