We have received many requests from people eager to make a positive impact during these…

Drive-Thru Food Drive – June 12th
Open Table food pantry is holding a Drive-Thru Food Drive on Friday, June 12th, from 10 am to 1 pm in the Maynard Municipal Parking Lot on Summer Street. Donors will have the opportunity to experience a typical day at the drive-thru pantry, only instead of having food put INTO their car trunks, volunteers will take donated food OUT of their trunks. It’s a no-contact event, complete with masks and social distancing, designed to emulate the typical guest experience.
Needed items include cereal; canned vegetables, fruit, tomato sauce, tuna and chicken; nut butters; jams and jellies; soup, stews and chili; and canned legumes. Eggs may be donated at this event only, as there is on-site refrigeration. Monetary donations are also always welcome.
Participants should load their donations into the trunk of their car and enter the parking lot from the Summer Street entrance, across from the Maynard Fine Arts Theater. Signs will guide them through the process, with masked volunteers removing donated items from the trunk.