We are grateful to the Carlisle Mosquito for their recent thoughtful coverage of Open Table…

Book Club with Concord Library
Join Open Table and the Concord Free Public Library for a discussion of Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang on Thursday, July 21st, 7:00 to 8:30pm at the Fowler branch, 1322 Main Street Concord.
“In Chinese, the word for America, Mei Guo, translates directly to ‘beautiful country.’ Yet when seven-year-old Qian arrives in New York City in 1994 full of curiosity, she is overwhelmed by crushing fear and scarcity. In China, Qian’s parents were professors; in America, her family is “illegal” and it will require all the determination and small joys they can muster to survive.”
This powerful memoir of growing up as an undocumented immigrant living in poverty in the richest country in the world will provide a basis for discussion of food insecurity in the United States and other issues newly arrived immigrants face. The discussion will be facilitated in part by Open Table volunteer, Peilin Reed, whose family moved to New England from Taiwan when she was a teen.
The event is free, but space is limited. Please register at https://concordlibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/after-hours-at-fowler-a-book-club-with-open-table/
Copies of the book are available at Fowler library, other libraries, and many bookstores.