We have received many requests from people eager to make a positive impact during these…

Spring Neighborhood and Team Ambassadors Needed
Open Table is looking for neighborhood ambassadors. Maybe you are the go-to organizer for neighborhood or team events, or maybe you would like to find a new way to bring neighbors together. If so, read on!
Spring is here! Sunshine and warmer days mean it’s a great time to organize a neighborhood food drive before everyone starts traveling for the summer. If you’ve been reading our newsletters and keeping up with the news, you’ll know the current need for food is high – Open Table has seen a startling 129% increase in new households served for the same period of time from 2022 to 2023.
A food drive is a great way to build a sense of community with your neighbors by working together for a greater good that helps neighbors in need. Oh, and to catch up after hibernating all winter!
Would you consider organizing a neighborhood food drive before the end of June? If so, please email [email protected] to learn more.