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Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – January 2024

Starting the New Year off with a Souper Bowl! Our Most Wanted item this month is soup to warm up…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – November 2023

Happy November! The temperature has fallen and it's a great time to get the oven going. With that in mind,…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – October 2023

If you are looking to donate food to us this October, we are focusing on this month's Most Wanted of…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – September 2023

Our Most Wanted for September is Gluten-Free options like pasta, boxed side dishes, and baking mixes. These are an important…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – August 2023

This month our Most Wanted item is Fruit Cups to put in our Fuel Up for Summer lunch program bags…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – July 2023

Let's get baking! Items most needed in the pantry this month include staple baking supplies: Suga Salt Baking soda Baking…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – May 2023

Boxed side dishes can make dinner come together more easily. If you can donate some of the following, our guests…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – April 2023

This time of year holds a lot of holidays including Ramadan, Passover, and Easter. We would like to provide more…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – March 2023

For March we are asking for some requests we get frequently from our Latin American clients. These include: Dried Black…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – February 2023

Our February Most Wanted items are Personal Care and Household Cleaning products. These are highly sought items that can be…

Most Wanted food donations this month

Most Wanted – January 2023

The items most needed in the pantry this month are condiments and salad dressings. While most people think of condiments…