Most Wanted – January 2024
Starting the New Year off with a Souper Bowl! Our Most Wanted item this month is soup to warm up…
Starting the New Year off with a Souper Bowl! Our Most Wanted item this month is soup to warm up…
Happy November! The temperature has fallen and it's a great time to get the oven going. With that in mind,…
If you are looking to donate food to us this October, we are focusing on this month's Most Wanted of…
Our Most Wanted for September is Gluten-Free options like pasta, boxed side dishes, and baking mixes. These are an important…
This month our Most Wanted item is Fruit Cups to put in our Fuel Up for Summer lunch program bags…
Let's get baking! Items most needed in the pantry this month include staple baking supplies: Suga Salt Baking soda Baking…
Boxed side dishes can make dinner come together more easily. If you can donate some of the following, our guests…
This time of year holds a lot of holidays including Ramadan, Passover, and Easter. We would like to provide more…
For March we are asking for some requests we get frequently from our Latin American clients. These include: Dried Black…
Our February Most Wanted items are Personal Care and Household Cleaning products. These are highly sought items that can be…
The items most needed in the pantry this month are condiments and salad dressings. While most people think of condiments…
We are looking for store-bought pies for our Thanksgiving distribution. If you want to donate, please deliver to our Maynard…