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We Met Our #GivingTuesdayNow Match!

Thanks to a very generous offer from Cambridge Savings Bank, all donations made to our EGGStraordinary Fundraiser during #GivingTuesdayNow (April 28 through May 12th) were matched (up to a $5000 total). And YOU came through! In just two weeks, we raised $18,040. And Cambridge Savings Bank has added the full $5000 match to…

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Neighborhoods Helping Neighbors!

Sending a big thank you to the Bellow Farms neighborhood in Acton. Resident Michael has been organizing a multi-week food drive in the neighborhood, and this just some of what they have donated thus far.  And another big thank you to the Lindsay Pond neighborhood in Concord. Residents there collected…

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newspaper, keyboard, and Open Table coffee cup

Open Table in the News

If you get any of the Gatehouse Media (Wicked Local) newspapers, such as the Beacon-Villager or the Concord Journal, you may see some familiar (masked) faces in print or online this week - as the news organization highlights the changes Open Table has gone through to continue our mission of…

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CSB Matches EGGStraordinary Times Donations

Thanks to a very generous offer from Cambridge Savings Bank, all donations made to our EGGStraordinary Fundraiser during #GivingTuesdayNow (now through May 5th) will be matched (up to a $5000 total). That means your donation will buy more eggs, more milk, more cleaning supplies, or more of whatever we need to continue our…

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Chef Cooks for Neighbors

Although restaurants are closed or offering limited take-out menus, chefs like Dave Becker, chef-owner of Juniper in Wellseley and Sweet Basil in Needham are still hard at work - and volunteering their professional skills to help their neighbors in need. On Thursday, April 16th, Dave Becker cooked up some SOS…

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