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Thank You TriCon

Many thanks to the Concord Trinitarian Congregational Youth Group for decorating and assembling 200 kids bags for Open Table. These bags will help kids have healthy snacks to eat at school! Creating Kids’ Bags is a great service activity for groups. For more information or to register your own Kids’…

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Thank You Maynard Community Chest

Open Table would like to send a big thank you to the Maynard Community Chest for their continued support. Their generous grant will support our general operating budget, allowing us to get healthy food to our neighbors in need in Maynard and surrounding towns. The Maynard Community Chest has supported…

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Concord Academy Service Day

On Friday, September 6, 25 sophomores from Concord Academy came to Open Table to identify ways to actively address hunger in their school community. To gain an understanding of what the face of hunger looks like, they moved through the site as guests do, role-playing with scripts and reflecting on…

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Thank You, Steve Smith

On Saturday, Steve Smith volunteered his time to professionally landscape the front of Open Table’s pantry facility. Smith and Finley Realty Group donated the gorgeous plants and materials to create this naturally beautiful and inviting entrance to our facility. On behalf of the Open Table Community - we thank you…

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Open Table shares news and information with volunteers, donors, supporters, and friends in a monthly digital newsletter. Please subscribe (in the footer of this page) if you are interested in getting News from Around the Table and other news, invitations, and announcements from Open Table in your email inbox.

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