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Welcome B500 Partner – Adelita

Open Table graciously welcomes our latest Business 500 Foundation Partner, Adelita. Adelita, which is located in the shopping plaza at 1200 Main Street in West Concord, offers organic Mexican cuisine for family and friends; their delicious small-plate menu items are meant to be shared! Stop by for original, healthy fare,…

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Needed: Portable Microphone

We've had a lot of great news to announce recently - and expect more in the future... so we are looking to own a portable microphone set to help us get the word out! Have an old Karaoke system that would work (and you are too embarrassed to use any more)?…

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Ride For Food Kick-Off Party

Come learn about the Ride for Food and how YOU can join Open Table's team! Thursday, July 26, 2018 - 5:00 to 6:30 PM Adelita, 1200 Main Street, West Concord Join a fun group of bike riders - not too serious - but love biking - especially when the ride…

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Support Open Table at Amazon

If you plan on shopping on Amazon Prime Day (July 17th), please consider using Amazon Smile and specifying Open Table as your charity. Amazon donates to Open Table when you shop Prime Day deals at It costs you nothing, and benefits those in need!

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Bingo & BBQ at Concord Dinner 7/26

We will be playing Bingo and serving Barbeque as our send-off before the August break on Thursday, July 26th at 5:30pm at Open Table Concord at First Parish on Lexington Road. The food will be provided by Paparazzi of Concord and there will be prizes for Bingo winners!

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Open Table shares news and information with volunteers, donors, supporters, and friends in a monthly digital newsletter. Please subscribe (in the footer of this page) if you are interested in getting News from Around the Table and other news, invitations, and announcements from Open Table in your email inbox.

We promise to limit our emails to information relevant to Open Table supporters, volunteers, and guests and we never sell our contact lists.

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